Letter to Future Student

Dear Randoma Studently,


Hello, this is Mx Ari. I am writing you a proper letter instead of an email, because I feel like it is more personal than a simple email. You came to me yesterday (when you are reading this, I am writing this the same day) talking about how you were struggling with being able to learn the coursework on top of your other classes. I want to write you a letter talking about how struggling is completely natural, despite how presumptuous this may seem. 

Like I stated before, Struggling is a completely natural process to grow your brain. We learn best after failing and picking ourselves back up, after all. Though it may not seem like it now, I’m sure that you’ll be able to keep up and get everything done on time if you keep practicing.  I understand completely how hard it is to not be able to get everything done because of external factors, whether it be because of family or homelife, the amount of workload you’re receiving from myself and other teachers, or simply because your brain is not letting you be able to do things. I, myself, have experienced all of those and struggled to cope with them. I have what is called executive dysfunction due to low dopamine levels in my brain, which means doing  things like focusing and completing things, even if I’m interested in it; but it is so so much harder when you aren’t interested in the task. That is why I try to give primarily classwork over homework. I’ve found that being in an environment where you’re already focused and on the task makes it much easier to get it done. 

I am not insinuating that you have the same thing as I do (but if you’re interested in researching more into it, I would highly recommend it), but I am simply trying to express that I have experienced similar things and you are not alone in feeling overwhelmed and unable to do schoolwork. I doubt you are “lazy” and I think you are a very hardworking individual. This is why I suggest that you take advantage of my no-penalty late work policy and make sure you’re able to get your other class work done when you can. And if you need an extension on the one hard deadline I have, please email me and just keep me informed. 

As for some strategies to keep focused that I’ve found, there are very few that have worked for me, as many other people with executive dysfunction. But I would recommend trying different strategies until you find something that works for you. For example, if you feel like you would be able to use a planner to help you, you should invest in one and highlighters, if you instead are able to get things done with reminders in your phone, you should try that. Another strategy would be to have a friend of yours remind you and make sure you’re on task so you will be able to get it done with the fear of rejection and failure your friend instills in you. If none of these work, I suggest that you should keep trying to find new ways. Part of learning and growing is trying out new things and failing. Though it is extremely disheartening, that’s just a part of being human and growing. If we never did anything we had trouble with, we would not be where we are as a species. If most people in our species were able to think this way, we most certainly would be far further ahead than we are today.

Preventing struggles is almost impossible to be able to complete as that is what our brains need to grow, but being able to overcome it with strategies is what makes life life. For humans and animals alike. When we push through the struggle and are able to find a way to get past it or work through it, prepares us for something else similar that we could struggle with later on. So, my advice is to work through the struggles to the best of your ability and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Build the foundations of struggling and working–learning–through them when you are still learning all of the time and your brain hasn’t finished developing. It is so much easier to be able to have the foundation for these skills for when you are struggling with things that are harder to get help for. I’ll be here for you whenever you ask. 


I hope you have a wonderful day, and remember to just keep me informed for when you intend to turn things in. 


With much love, your teacher,


Mx. Ari

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