Bias Lesson Learned

Three lessons that stuck with me this week were, the Implicit Bias lessons, the lessons of Bias in kid’s books, and the lessons of allyship. These lessons stuck with me because they are incredibly important to me and I thought they were interesting. 

The Implicit Bias lessons were interesting and stuck with me more because I think that they are important to understanding how we can act without even realizing it. I think that I have made at least some progress this week (even though I already knew at least some about all of the material these lessons hold) with my own implicit biases and this definitely helped me identify and set a course for retraining my brain so it won’t act like this and make it so I view all people equally, even those I do not respect because of their actions. I feel like this lesson is one most people should learn because it is very important to understand that even if you don’t personally have any biases, you can still have unconscious ones that you aren’t even aware of. 

I think the lesson that we build implicit biases early into childhood from our surroundings and books we read as kids is the most important out of the three I am talking about. This is because this is our next generation. The people who we will leave the world and who will be running it. We need to focus on them and make sure that they are given a shot at being able to live without being absolutely miserable. If we are able to obliterate the implicit biases and ideas that harm others when children are small, then we would allow them to be able to build a better world then we could in the future. 

The lessons concerning allyship are also very important to me, in my opinion, because it is difficult to be able to understand what people are thinking and being in their shoes without thinking about it. We have a lot of problems in our world already without drowning out the voices of people who are more oppressed than us. We as a people, especially those of us who have privileges to speak out and raise other’s voices, need to be more adamant to get these changes, and the first part of that is getting people aware and knowledgeable about how things are. How things in this world suck and get those stuck in cycles of misinformation out of those cycles. 

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